pp108 : Assigning User Interfaces to Roles

Assigning User Interfaces to Roles

This topic describes the process of assigning User Interfaces to Roles.

Before you begin this task:

Assigning User Interfaces to a role enables you to prescribe the set of activities that you can associate with the role. As a result, the role being assigned to a user governs the activities that a user can perform. You can assign a user interface in the role editor window.

  1. In the My Recent Documents or Explorer view of the Workspace Documents window, double-click the role. For information about changing the view, see Working with Workspace Documents. The <Rolename>-Role window appears.
  2. You can assign user interfaces in any of the following ways:



    Role Editor

    1.Click in the User Interfaces group box of the <Rolename>-Role window.
    2.Select a user interface in the Select User Interface dialog box that appears.

    If there are no user interfaces added to the role, you will find the Click here to add User Interfaces link in the User Interfaces group box. Click it, select a user interface in the Select User Interface dialog box that appears, and click OK.

    Quick Access Menu

    1. In the <Rolename>-Role window, click (Quick Access Menu) . The Quick Access Menu dialog box appears and displays the existing models in the right pane.
    2. Select a user interface you intend to assign and drag it from the Quick Access Menu dialog box to the User Interfaces group box of <Rolename>-Role window.
    3. In the Quick Access Menu, select the Publish option to make the updated role available for the current organization during deployment.

    Workspace Documents

    1. Select a user interface from the My Recent Documents or Explorer view.
    2. Drag it to User Interfaces group box of <Rolename>-Role window.
    3. Click .
    4. In the Explorer view of the Workspace Documents window , right-click the role and select Publish to Organization option.

A user interface is assigned to the Role.

To revoke the user interface assigned to a role, do the following:

  1. In the User Interfaces group box of the <Rolename>-Role window, mouse over a user interface and click .
  2. Select Remove option.
  3. Click .
  4. Publish the role to deploy it in the current organization.

Alternatively, select one or more user interfaces while pressing the CTRL key and click .


  • A User Interface may involve multiple sub-tasks or sub-activities to complete an activity. In such cases, you are prompted with the list of sub-tasks in Configure TaskParts dialog box. Select the sub-tasks you intend to associate with the role and click OK.
  • If you wish to edit the sub-task assignment for a role, mouse over the user interface and click . Go to Action > Configure on the context menu and change the configuration in the Taskpart Details dialog box. This is not applicable for external user interfaces.
  • Alternatively, select one or more user interfaces while pressing the CTRL key and click Configure Tasks icon in the User Interfaces group box.
  • Sub-tasks are also referred as Task Parts.

Related tasks

Creating Roles
Editing or Deleting a Role
Assigning Sub-Roles
Creating a User Interface Using a Web Page URL

Related information

Understanding Process Platform Roles